You ❤️ Your
Pet to Death™

Plan For Their Future, Today.

Who will care for your fur family after you die?
Give your pet the gift of lifelong care and financial security with a Furever After Plan™.


How a Pawzpurr™
Furever After Plan™ Works

Because every pet deserves a lifetime of happiness,
we’re here to make sure your fur family is protected after you die,
ensuring a smooth transfer of ownership and giving you the certainty of their continued care.

Signing up for our Furever After Plan™ is simple:


Fill out the membership form with the necessary information, including your personal information and information about your pet.


Tell us who you want to care for your pet and detail specifics for your pet, including the name of your vet, any medical needs and more.

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Set up monthly payments and you’re done! You’ve just gained peace of mind about your pet’s future!

Lifelong Love,
Lifelong Care for
Your Fur Family

Of course, no one could ever replace you in your pet’s eyes, but at least you can rest easy knowing someone responsible and caring will step in to take care of your fur family when you can no longer do so. Joining Pawzpurr™ is the purrfect way to secure your pet’s future through our  Furever After Plan™


Set up your Furever After Plan™ today.

Your pet, your wishes + Furever After Plan™= your peace of mind!

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